This brand new ‘modality’ has been created by my friend and mentor Victoria Webby from Tasmania. ‘After 18 years of speaking the Language of Light, writing and creating blueprints, working one on one with clients, facilitating amazing groups and traveling the world, it felt like the ‘right moment’ to be the channel for these amazing and unique teachings. It is an incredible honour to work with so many realms - from physical to cosmic - and align this modality with with the divine earth & star multi-dimensional energies!” she says. 

The Living Sound Light Systems share sacred teachings and loving transmissions of profound frequencies of light and sound. This “language” of light and sound can be experienced as an energetic expression in the form of symbols, sound, frequencies or vibrations that go beyond our normal language and often beyond our conscious understanding. They have the potential to promote energetic shifts activate healing energies and support spiritual growth. Your personal experience may vary from feeling deeply relaxed, feeling more at peace and open minded, to a deep remembrance of the Soul. 

LSLS is quite ‘out of the box’, yet practical and surprisingly grounding for this time of our evolution. 

While creating these systems Victoria also channeled more than 55 Blueprints, or “cards” that bring with each of them unique and exquisite light and sound frequencies that offer profound upgrades of Consciousness. Just sitting with them you can allow their magic to transform you. 

Welcome Home dear soul!